20021210b52.jpg 45.84 KB The carefree life on the front of a Counterpoint/Viewpoint tandem.
20020521b_13.jpg 56.89 KB The twins stopped us along side the Green River Trail for lunch.
20020521b_09.jpg 61.77 KB Derek and Morgan enjoy their new Tanjor trailer. Their car seats fit easily within the aluminum frame of the trailer, with a protective roll cage overhead.
4ontandem.jpg 85.55 KB Another advantage of the Viewpoint's recumbent stoker position, Koralee could still ride with her two passengers into the third trimester.
learning.jpg 23.94 KB Learning to ride my first bike -- no training wheels, just my father running along in case I tipped to far.
counterpoint_viewpoint.jpg 96.06 KB Our viewpoint is enough of an attention-getter by itself, but riding with the Frosts on their Counterpoint, the predecessor to the Viewpoint, prompts some real double-takes.
trestle.jpg 95.12 KB Alex Wetmore crossing a rails-to-trails trestle in the Cascades.
trailabent1.jpg 53.13 KB Alessandra's new Trail-a-Bent from Cambie Cycles in Vancouver, B.C., turns our Viewpoint into a real road train! Maybe we should add a steam whistle ;-)
2000oregon4.jpg 45.20 KB With no front rack yet, we carried all our gear on the rear of the Viewpoint. Surprisingly easy to do using compression stuff sacks!
pt_sequim.jpg 145.88 KB Riding back from Sequim to Port Townsend in the rain was no problem with good raingear.
SequimBay.jpg 100.90 KB Our first overnight tour with Alessandra on the tandem. We spent our first night at Sequim Bay in the hiker-biker camp site.
tandem1.jpg 92.61 KB Koralee captains the Viewpoint with Alessandra stoking in front.
parnassus.jpg 85.97 KB The Bicycle Bus, or Parnassus on Wheels, known to cyclists all along Highway 1/ 101.
cochin2.jpg 54.86 KB Anyone who has bicycled in Indian traffic will appreciate the name of this bus in Cochin!
00jan1.jpg 110.52 KB January 2000 ride of the Washington Eccentrics & Tourists, or WET list, a Puget Sound-area list for cycling enthusiasts. On the far left is Koralee Roup, whom I met for the first time on this ride. Six months later I proposed, and we were married in February, 2001.
00jan2.jpg 40.47 KB A must-do Seattle cliche, stopping at the Ballard Locks.
tourtool.jpg 31.51 KB These stubby wrenches are great for touring. One side drives 1/4" sockets, the other takes insert bits. Spray painted fluorescent orange to make it easier to find them in the dark and rain.
me2.jpg 26.20 KB Me in the rain with my camera.
wauconda.jpg 56.86 KB Climbing Wauconda Summit on the North Cascades Highway.
seabob1.jpg 57.65 KB Seattle-area members of the internet-BOB mailing list on a ride around Bainbridge Island in late 1999.
brakelight.jpg 22.62 KB Brakelights of a passing car on my morning commute along outer Quartermaster Harbor.
multimodal.jpg 145.38 KB The main highway from Bombay to New Delhi in 1985. I was living there as an exchange student at the time.
99taco2.jpg 175.27 KB Seattle-area members of the touring email list rode Vashon Island toward the end of 90+ continuous days of rain in 1999.
99taco1.jpg 96.60 KB Seattle-area members of the touring email list rode Vashon Island toward the end of 90+ continuous days of rain in 1999. Seen here during the day's one brief clear spell.
cool_dog.jpg 75.81 KB Taylor Browne was the best mountain biking dog I've ever met. He knew the trails better than many riders.
mybike4.jpg 51.95 KB My current touring bike, loaded for a ride from Vashon Island to Los Angeles, May 1999.
to_omak.jpg 17.32 KB Approaching Omak on the North Cascades Highway.
glenhdrd.jpg 24.27 KB Climbing Glen Head Road in Ireland under an approaching storm.