This bike is sold! The webpage is for reference only!!!

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This is the ultimate Tandem Two'sday tourer, completely ready for the open road. I bought this bike used in the fall, did a ton of work on it, took it too New Zealand to tour on with my wife, and then discovered that my wife really wasn't a happy bicycle tourist. Now we have two tandems (we also have a Cannondale) and really only need one, so this one is for sale. I personally think it is the nicer of the two bikes, but my wife thinks the Cannondale is prettier, and as tandemists know, the stoker is always right.

I have done a ton of upgrades to this bike since buying it. The most noticable thing is that I had the bike repainted. I also put a 3x7 hub on it, added an Arai drum brake, added STI shifters, replaced all of the cables, built a new rear wheel, added a suspension seatpost, added fenders, added a front rack, replaced the derailleurs, brakes, and have overhauled everything.

The tandem is most comparable to the best touring Tandem Two'sday, although it has quite a few component differences. I will start by listing what my bike has that the stock one doesn't (with new price for the additional equipment in parens):

Now for the other differences:

Here is the full component list:

In addition I will be providing the following spare parts:

The bike should fit captains from about 5'10" to 6'4". The stoker area should fit anyone from about 4'8" upwards. I am 6' and my wife is 5'. The stoker top tube is very long (30", compare this to a Cannondale at 27"). I also did a lot of riding on this bike with a 6' stoker when I first bought it, and have ridden in the rear myself.

It really breaks my heart to sell this bike, as I have put a lot of work into it and really think it is a fantastic bike. I hope to find a good home for it.

$xxxx. Price includes shipping. I'll sell it for $75 less to Seattle-area buyers since there won't be shipping charges and I won't have to pack the bike. I don't think that you can get a better travel tandem for anything close to this price. That is less than the price for the cheapest Tandem Two'sday from Green Gear, and this bike has many many upgrades and accessories (such as suitcases) that don't come with new bikes from Green Gear. The comparable new bike from Green Gear would cost about $4000.

Most of my potential buyers have had troubles with fitting on the bike. If you are interested in buying the bike please send me these measurements (in inches or centimeters) from your favorite road bike:

The Green Gear bikes are hard to compare in size to regular bikes, but with these measurements I can easily tell if it will fit your regular bike. For comparison I have provided my measurements above. The bike fits me great, and would work well for those my size or a taller, or perhaps shorter if they like to stretch out a little bit. I am 6' tall and wear jeans with a 32" inseam, and normally ride a 56-58cm road bike or 18-20" mountain bike.

This bike was originally built for Bicycling Magazine for a review. You can read their review of the bike (with much different components, but exactly the same frame) below. Note that these are big files and that my connection isn't that fastest in the world, so please don't download unless you are really interested in the bike.
