Northwest Biodiesel Network - Forum 2004

The Conference

The following speakers presented:

  • Dan Freeman (Alternative Fuelwerks)
  • Walter Voegtlin (Puget Sound Clean Air Agency)
  • Doug Howell (King County)
  • Graeme Sackrison (Mayor of Lacey, WA)
  • Linda Graham (Puget Sound Clean Cities)
  • Tomas Endicott (Sequential Biofuels, OR)

There were also tables with pamphlets, bumper stickers, regional biodiesel suppliers (Morgan from Imagine Energy, Dan Freeman from Alternative Fuelwerks), and other sources of information.

800 x 534
3008 x 2008

2003:02:06 01:59:49
f/5.6 - 1/45 sec - iso1600
534 x 800
2008 x 3008

2003:02:06 02:02:29
f/5.6 - 1/374182.4 - iso1600
800 x 534
3008 x 2008

2003:02:06 02:02:55
f/5.6 - 1/60 sec - iso1600
800 x 534
3008 x 2008

2003:02:06 02:21:17
f/4.0 - 1/90 sec - iso1600
534 x 800
2008 x 3008

2003:02:06 03:19:00
f/5.6 - 1/374182.4 - iso1600

Sequential Biofuels Booth

Sequential is selling biodiesel fuel in Eugene and Portland. They aren't licensed to sell in WA, so their pump was not operational during the forum. Their booth had examples of fuel in various stages of processing.

800 x 534
3008 x 2008

2003:02:06 00:41:29
f/4.0 - 1/0 - iso400
800 x 534
3008 x 2008

2003:02:06 00:41:52
f/4.5 - 1/2000 sec - iso400

Dr Dan's fuel truck

Dan was selling fuel on site. A number of attendees took the time to fuel up. This new fuel delivery truck has a capacity of 1500 gallons. The "Get Distilled" water service truck often (or always?) uses biodiesel.

800 x 534
3008 x 2008

2003:02:06 01:30:16
f/4.0 - 1/2000 sec - iso400
800 x 534
3008 x 2008

2003:02:06 01:30:31
f/4.0 - 1/0 - iso400
800 x 534
3008 x 2008

2003:02:06 01:36:16
f/4.0 - 1/750 sec - iso400
800 x 534
3008 x 2008

2003:02:06 05:37:43
f/4.0 - 1/2000 sec - iso1600

TDI in a Rabbit Pickup

This is a old Rabbit Pickup which has had an A3 TDI engine installed into it. The original pickup transmission was used, so the gearing is not great (about 3200rpm at 65mph). A SVO conversion was installed too.

800 x 534
3008 x 2008

2003:02:06 01:40:23
f/4.0 - 1/750 sec - iso400
534 x 800
2008 x 3008

2003:02:06 01:42:10
f/4.0 - 1/374182.4 - iso400
800 x 534
3008 x 2008

2003:02:06 01:42:23
f/4.0 - 1/2000 sec - iso400
800 x 534
3008 x 2008

2003:02:06 01:42:42
f/4.0 - 1/0 - iso400

Mike Pelly's Biodiesel Processor

Mike Pelly builds small and portable biodiesel processors. He brought this example up from Olympia to show and explain to attendees.

534 x 800
2008 x 3008

2003:02:06 00:39:51
f/8.0 - 1/374182.4 - iso400
534 x 800
2008 x 3008

2003:02:06 00:40:01
f/4.0 - 1/374182.4 - iso400
800 x 534
3008 x 2008

2003:02:06 00:40:13
f/4.0 - 1/2000 sec - iso400


This is a centrifuge to seperate the glycerin out of biodiesel. Mixed biodiesel and glycerin is pumped in via the central tube. It is transferred to the pipe which is spinning at a high velocity. There are two internal tubes in the pipe, one positioned near the middle and one near the outside. The outside one sucks up the glycerin and that comes out of the right tube. The other sucks up the biodiesel which comes out the left tube. The height of the glycerin tube is varied to control how fast the glycerin is removed (if it was removed too fast then biodiesel would come along with it). I didn't get the name of the inventor even though we talked together for a while, please email me if you know it.

800 x 534
3008 x 2008

2003:02:06 01:04:21
f/5.6 - 1/0 - iso400
800 x 534
3008 x 2008

2003:02:06 01:04:34
f/5.6 - 1/500 sec - iso400