Josh Putnam's Cycling Pages
I have enjoyed cycling and working on bikes
since I was in grade school. I hope you find this information as
interesting and useful as I have.
A collection of my cycling pictures, in no particular order.
Photography is one of my other passionate interests, and it's hard to
beat a bicycle for touring a landscape at a pace that lets you really see
it. Updated sporadically. Hope you like them. Also see my discussion of
cameras for bicycle touring if you're interested.
Do It Yourself
I enjoy working on bicycles almost as much as I enjoy riding
them. Below you'll find a variety of do-it-yourself ideas, from simple
things like improving your conspicuity at night to building your own
bicycle frame. Bicycles are very simple machines, don't be intimidated
by them.
introduction to brazing your own bicycle frames.
For many years I wanted a custom touring frame with a
combination of geometry and features that I had never seen offered by
anyone. Finally I did something about it: I made it myself. If you are
mechanically inclined, patient, and have bicycle dreams of your own,
here's a quick introduction to designing and building a lugged, brazed,
steel bicycle frame. Includes links to suppliers, a bibliography of
framebuilding references, and links to more framebuilding sites.
here to see my current bike. It's just an example of what you can
do on your own if you want to.
A photo
tour of the late Match Bicycle Company frame factory in
Woodinville, Washington. This was a public tour arranged by Rivendell Bicycle Works.
Match is gone, but the tour shows most of the steps in brazing a steel
frame in a modern shop.
Miscellaneous frame
buidling images, from cheap plywood jigs to professional equipment.
- The Bicycle
Framebuilding Mailing List, the leading internet forum for amateur
and professional bicycle frame builders, with over 1000 members
world-wide. You don't have to be a builder to join, if you've ever
thought of building your own frame, or just want to know what goes into
the design and construction of that custom frame you want to buy, check
it out. Hosted by bikelist.org,
home to many fine cycling email lists and their archives.
- What is trail, and
what does it have to do with bike handling? How do fork rake, head tube
angle, and wheel size matter? You can calculate the trail of an
existing bike, or determine the specs to give the desired trail on a
new frame.
Sew your own jerseys, make improved tail lights, adjustable
length stems, dashboards, camera mounts, etc.
The best tools I have found for a variety of bicycle repairs
and maintenance, in no particular order.
Some of my favorite practical and technical books related to
Some ideas to make working on your bikes easier.
Cycling Safety & Advocacy
Bicycle Commuting
I've been bicycle commuting off and on for more than twenty
years. Here are a few suggestions
to help you commute safely, efficiently, and comfortably, even in wet
Seattle winters.
A couple of other ideas for commuter safety:
- Aids
to Conspicuity: simple additions to your bike that make it easier
for motorists to see you, even if they aren't looking for you.
Bluetooth Headset: if you cycle with a cell phone, an
inexpensive wireless headset will let you keep your phone securely
stowed inside your commuting bag, safe and dry. I use a Motorola
S9 headset for commuting. It fits me well with a helmet on and so
far doesn't seem to have trouble with commuting in Seattle rain. (Why
carry a phone while cycling? I mostly use mine to coordinate with
family, who is home when and where do we need to get the kids, but it's
also handy for calling in hazards to the road department or accidents
to the police.)
Touring Information
Some of My Favorite Rides
Useful things to add to your bike
- Aids
to conspicutiy for night riding, beyond a minimal headlight and
rear reflector can make you more visible and earn better treatment from
competent motorists.
accessories aren't as important as a good bike, but good equipment
can help make your tour a pleasant one despite bad weather, poor roads,
or other problems.
Other Touring Information
Bicycling in Washington State
Consumer Information
Detailed photos of a classic I never found time to fix up. It
was in rideable condition as-is, though it could have used new tubes
and a thorough overhaul -- for all I can tell, it still had the factory
grease in the headset and bottom bracket. After years of owning it
without restoring it, I finally sold it to someone who thought he'd be
able to find the time.
These are all pages I have personally found interesting. It's
by no means a comprehensive list of bike resources on the net, just a
list of pages I like and use. And it's probably loaded with
outdated links.
This page written by Josh
Putnam. Please feel free to email questions, comments, corrections,
suggestions, etc.
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