How Do I Design A Frame?
There are many considerations that go into designing a frame,
far more
than can be answered here. First, of course, is the rider: a custom
will be designed around your particular leg length, torso length, arm
and preferred riding position.
Then there is the intended use of the bike: do you want a
crit bike, or a loaded touring bike that handles smoothly descending
Alps with 50 lbs. of gear? What diameter of wheels and width of tires
you want to use? Do you need fender clearance? What size are your
(Seriously: shoe size affects toe clip clearance in front and chainstay
and pannier clearances in back. If you will be touring in mountain bike
shoes or even boots, you may need more room than if you stick to sleek
road riding shoes.)
For an amateur, a great introduction to the design and
of a lugged steel bicycle frame is
Lugged Bicycle Frame Construction, A Manual for the First Time
Builder: Expanded Second Edition, by Marc-Andre
Chimonas. This is an excellent introduction from an amateur builder who
decided to share his experience in a self-published book. The book
straightforward instruction with the author's personal opinions on
issues. Take the opinions with a grain of salt, but the directions will
step you through the process clearly.
Another excellent guide is now out of print, Richard Talbot's
aptly named
and Building Your Own Frameset: An Illustrated Guide for the Amateur
Bicycle Builder published by the Manet Guild. Talbot
discusses both theory and practice of
building a lugged
steel road frame, including building your own jigs. The emphasis is on
hand labor, not machine tools -- he assumes you will miter your tube
by hand with files and scrapers, not stick the tubes in a milling
There's an introduction to brazing and materials, too, though it's
*not* a beginner's guide to brazing -- Talbot suggests looking for a
vocational school to learn how to braze, since practice is essential.
The design considerations apply no matter what construction method you
to use, so this is still a useful book for the welders out there.
Here's a picture of a very simple frame jig
made from plywood and angle iron, similar to what Talbot describes. I
drew the frame design full-scale on a sheet of plywood, cut out gaps
for brazing joints, and shimmed angle iron out from the surface to get
the tubes into the same plane. This is what I built my first frame on,
and it came out within a millimeter of perfectly aligned. Fancy
production jigs make changing the jig setup quick and easy, but they
really aren't needed for do-it-yourself scale production.
Henry James Bicycles, Inc.
Henry James is a n excellent source for books, tools, supplies, and frame building parts. .
His main business is making and selling beautiful cast lugs, fork
and bottom brackets in both CrMo and stainless steel. He also stocks
supplies, his own beautiful, well-thought-out frame and fork jigs, and
Tim Paterek's two-part video on fillet brazing. If you're seriously
interested in building more than one bike, order Paterek's book from
Henry James and ask for a
price list, too.
Other Good References on Frame Design and Bike Fit
While Talbot and Paterek both tell you how
to design a frame,
there are many ways of sizing a frame to fit a particular person, and
one way can be taken as gospel. The following are good references for
fit, though most do not directly address actually designing a frame.
- Bicycling
Science by Whitt & Wilson isn't a design manual, but
rather a
good summary of
much of the science behind the design and operation of bicycles. It has
extensive discussions of steering and handling, aerodynamics,
etc. Anyone interested in the evolution of bicycles will find something
worth reading here. Many better libraries have this book.
- Bicycle
Metallurgy for the Cyclist
by Douglas Hayduk addresses many common questions about the various
metals used in building
bicycles and components. It's not a how-to manual, but it is loaded
with useful information and debunks many popular myths.
- The
Proteus Framebuilding Handbook by Paul Proteus was a cult
classic for many
years, but has been out of print even longer than Talbot. A
good guide to
traditional framebuilding if you can find it.
- The
Custom Bicycle: Buying, Setting Up, and Riding the Quality Bicycle
A classic, if slightly dated,
introduction to custom
bicycle frames, published in the 1970s bicycle boom but still relevant
to road bikes
The book begins with an introduction to frame building techniques and
tubing, then the majority of the book is devoted to profiles of
frame builders in Britain, France, Italy, and the U.S., discussing
philosophies and construction methods. Finally the book has close to 70
pages on
setting up a bike, both fitting the rider and integrating the
components -- all
friction shifting, of course, so the discussion pays more attention to
chain line than cable housing.
The book clearly shows its age in the laid back frame
geometries, long
chainstays and comfortable, rearward position of riders. Such
designs may be out of favor with modern racers, but they are still
for recreational, practical, and touring bikes.
At the time the book was written, many prominent frame
builders did
not use jigs, and some didn't even use torches: Mercian's brazers are
as preferring bronze to silver brazing because "bronze flows nicely and
works particularly well in the open hearth."
The many black and white photographs in the book
provide fascinating
glimpses of the insides of many renowned frame shops, glimpses that
make many shop teachers cringe. But take heart -- if the "Great
could make world-class frames with hand files and open hearths, surely
you can do as well with a jig and a torch!
- Bicycle
Design: Towards the Perfect Machine by Mike Burrows is a
technical look at many aspects of bicycle design,
written by a bicycle designer and engineer at Giant Bicycles known for
his work on carbon fiber, compact frames, and recumbent bicycles. Not
a how-to manual by any means, but loaded with information that can help
you decide what you want to do and what might be the better ways of
doing it.
- How
to Build Unicycles and Artistic Bicycles addresses some
you won't find in books about "serious" bikes. Ever want to build one
of those bizzare parade bikes?
This page written by Josh
Please feel free to email questions, comments, corrections,
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